Saturday, March 28, 2009

Keeping Busy Before Dinner

Again, Rylen found an activity to keep him occupied while I fixed dinner. On this occasion, I realized that for the duration of my dinner preparation (approximately 30 minutes) Rylen kept coming past me in the kitchen with two of his toys. I finally looked to see what he was doing and got this short video before he realized I was taping him. He would walk his truck and his wagon (with blanket in tow) from the kitchen garage door into the family room and around to the front door. Then he would turn around and walk the same path back to the garage door. He repeated this for 30 minutes! I couldn't believe it and honestly wondered what fascination this held. I must say, though, he was quite talented in turning the rigs around at each destination! This has not been the last time that I have seen him do this. His wagon and fire truck have become quite the fixation lately.

By the way, Rylen isn't typically running around our house in his diaper. We played in water that afternoon and I decided not to dirty up clothes for dinner since he would be taking his bath and then to bed soon after.

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