Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jace's 2wk appointment

Today was Jace's 2 week appointment and I prepared the boys for the trek to the doctor's office. I was to take on this task by myself. I was a bit nervous, unsure how cooperative Rylen would be. He is typically pretty good, but this would be the first time I would have to take on both boys on my own. Rylen was simply amazing! He stayed by my side and really didn't venture except to take a look at the fish tank in the waiting room which I actually pointed out to him to go look at. The rest of the time he sat on my lap and waited. When we went to and from the room, as well as to and from the office, he held my hand while I carried Jace in the carseat. The "holding hand" training we have been doing since February really paid off! He was the epitome of behaved!

As for Jace, he passed his 2 week exam with flying colors! Typically you hope that your baby gains back to their birth weight by their 2 week appointment. At one week, Jace had only gained up to 5lbs 12 oz, so I was hoping we had gained the remaining 3 oz this week. To my surprise, Jace weighed in at 6lbs 12oz! Almost another pound above birth weight! Good boy! I was concerned because he eats so much differently than Rylen did. Jace will vigorously eat for about 3 minutes and then slow way down for MAYBE the remaining 10 minutes. Then to switch him is sometimes a struggle. So, I wasn't sure if he was going to gain the weight as well as Rylen, who would stay consistently eating for the 10 minutes and then be ready for the second 10. Well, as they say, each child is a new learning experience. Jace gained back his weight and then some.

Jace's height was also measured again and she documented it at 19 inches. Sigh. Our child keeps shrinking. HA! I will probably measure here at the house to see what I get. I have lost confidence in "height measuring" from the medical field. They seem to fail on the accuracy. I have seen this with Rylen as well as Jace.

To finish up the appointment, was the second round of the newborn screening test. So, amidst being hungry, Jace got his foot pricked. His cry went from hungry to horribly mad and Rylen really didn't know what to do about that! He was quite concerned for Jace's sake. I think he is going to be a really good big brother.

After the prick, I nursed Jace while Rylen ate some Os and then we packed up to head home. So, all in all, we are doing very well and taking on this second blessing in stride. Jace has now had his first Mommy photo shoot, his first doc appointment & his first bath.

Enjoy the pictures of Jace's first two weeks!

Jace's First Day's Home

Also, here are more pictures from Jace's Birth at the hospital. They were posted on facebook, but didn't make it to the blog yet.

Jace's Grand Entrance


Anonymous said...

Jace is so cute. Love Rylen's hair cut. Hope you are doing well. You look good! Hopefully you are getting sleep.


Anonymous said...

okay you had me in tears looking at those beautiful pics. Man girl, you look so good for just giving birth. i guess some women are meant to look good in the process. You made me reflect on my birth with my son. So many wonderful memories. CONGRATS and we love you guys!