Kendall's had her appointment with the ped this month a day before her 2 months. She got official stats and was 21.5 inches in height (20%), 10lbs 10oz in weight (47%), and 14.76" in head circumference (20%). It is so funny to see our baby girl as our biggest baby. It will be interesting to see if this evens out as she gets older. Of course she is on a girl scale vs. a boy scale. But the numbers are still larger, so we shall see how close they all are later on.
This past month Kendall survived her first snotty cold with Robby. I, of course, got it a little later and Jace seems to have some runniness but nothing yet. The sleeping took a backseat a bit during the cold, but she is back to longer nights and starting to move to feeding times going 3-4 hours instead of 2-2.5 hours. But of course all of this is relative because there are growth spurts and such in this time too. Kendall doesn't care too much about a pacifier but I have used it at times when I am trying to get her to sleep. I find that I don't put her down on a playmat near as much as I did with Jace. Probably because the boys are always running around. I haven't even done much tummy time with her. The boys will be heading to Mother's Day Out soon and that will probably give us more time to play on the floor and engage in that tummy time play. It will be nice to have some one on one time with her, though I wish I could have the same with the boys. I will sure miss them.
We have also survived our AC challenge. This seems to happen every time we have a baby and typically when they are 6 weeks old. All the kids ended up sleeping on our bed or in our room for a couple of nights until we figured out what was going on. Luckily it was only a tube that needed to be cleaned and it only cost us the analysis.
Well, sweet Kendall is still smiling all the time, but hasn't quite settled in with Daddy yet. She has given him lots of smiles and coos, but is not as easy to pacify. Hopefully she won't give him such a hard time in the future.
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