Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer Learning - Letter Rr

Rookie (5 yrs old)
Ace (39.5 mos)
Ladybug (14.5 mos)
This week was Letter "R" and I set up their desk area with their RRSP materials, Puzzles, books, and toys that matched the theme which included rabbits and the color red. Our sight word was "it" and we continued our virtue of "gentle".

Ace had the option for Rainbows or Rainforest this week. He chose A LOT of rainbow sheets to do. They really offered more activities that were similar to Rookie's LOTW and I think that is what appealed to him. He was able to try out his scissor skills first and did VERY WELL!

Rookie's LOTW was all rainbows. Here is coloring by number. I really like this type of activity because it really takes him following directions.

 We are still working on scissor skills. These lines really force him to turn the paper and try to stay on the lines. Definitely something we need to work on.

Ace has been doing mazes on our computer lately and I thought he would like to follow his R's through the maze with dot paints. He loved it!

Rookie wanted to dot paint too. The boys love the paints and I have to constantly remind them to share the colors. I should probably invest in more than these four colors. We got them free with a desk we bought off of craigslist when Rookie was younger.

Can you guess what our exercise was for letter "R"? YES, running in place. Rookie really liked this one.

Learning the formation of our letter with the "Big Line", "Little Line" and "Little Curve".

This is a great fine motor activity while practicing our letter formation. We poke holes using a thumb tack and then we put it up to the window to see how well we did.

Ace was just begging me for paint, so I let him free paint for a while.

Ace's attempt at the letter "R". Pretty good I would say. Once again, I don't force him to do this at all. He asked to do this after seeing Rookie doing it.

Rookie's sight word was "it" this week. He has quickly picked up the sight words as we introduce a new one each week. I try to find them in the books we read throughout the day and have him read them to me. He gets excited that he knows the word. It is especially fun when he can read a whole sentence with the words he knows.

Ace just having fun with some Rainforest Rs.

Rookie is always determined to trace every single "R" on the page AND fill the bottom lines with freehand Rs.

Size sorting and excitement to get them correct!

Color puzzle. This puzzle actually used: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.

Tracing with our cars. Still a favorite activity to take our cars for a ride down the formation of our letter.

Dry Erase Graphing. We do well if we SLOW DOWN.

Finally, our wall of FUN! We accomplished a lot this week. It was a great end to our summer of learning. We might change up our curriculum a bit, I haven't quite decided.

This week we will be taking a break for me to make sure we are in order for our regular school year. Ace will begin MDO after Labor Day and that will be the week that we start school for the year. There is a lot to be done in a week to get fully prepared.

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