Monday, July 14, 2008

Rylen's Birthday Beach Party

On July 12th, Rylen had his official Birthday Beach Party here in Houston. We invited friends and family and had a great turnout. Rylen was making his rounds as a great host and interacting with everyone there. It started at 4:00p so that our backyard was mostly shaded. Around 5:00p we brought out the cake and sang to him and offered the others cupcakes. Then it was out to the backyard to wash the icing off. Most of the kids were able to get in the kiddie pool and have a great time. Rylen was very content to just sit in the water and watch his friends have fun. We then opened gifts from the guests. He got just tons of great stuff. By this time it was 6:00 and it was time for the party to end. We had a great time mingling, adults and children alike. The festivities are finally over.

As always, click the link to the left for more birthday beach party pictures!

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