Friday, July 10, 2009

Rylen's Turns 2!

Rylen turned 2 on July 2nd, 2009. He is a bundle of energy and we constantly get comments on how fast he is when he runs. Rylen is all about being active AND being outside. I think if he could just camp outside he would be the happiest kid on the block. Alas, Houston is too hot for such a thing. So, we have to hear the cries when he is told to come in.

Rylen is starting to say quite a few more words. They have picked up a lot lately, though the pronunciation has much to be desired. "No" has become his favorite word and comes in many forms. He actually says "no" when he doesn't want something, says "no" when he knows we are going to tell him "no" about something, and says "no" when he just plain wants something but can't communicate what it is he wants. It is quite confusing. But we figure it out eventually and everyone is happy. He is also very good at throwing. Have him throw a baseball and you will be amazed, but watch out if he throws a toy inside. You'll have to duck and then send him to timeout. That is our dilema: No throwing inside, yet you CAN throw outside. All balls have been sent to the toybox in the backyard. They are just too tempting in the house. Honestly, that is the only thing Rylen really gets in trouble for. We try to understand the confusion, but with a baby brother and glass objects in the house, we have to be cautious and consistent.

As for Jace, Rylen loves his baby brother. There has not been a bit of jealousy in his direction since he came home. Rylen just wants to give him hugs and kisses... sometimes too much. When he cries, we get a very loud mimicked cry from Rylen letting us know he is crying.. as if we couldn't hear Jace ourselves. Rylen brings me Jace's paci if it has fallen out and Jace is crying or plays the mobile to calm Jace down. Rylen will also throw diapers away and try to be helpful. I hope all this helpfullness continues! We will have Rylen's appointment next month as the appointment book for the ped was full. So we will give stats then and more updates.

We decided to have Rylen's birthday party on the 4th. We knew that many people may be out of town, so we kept it small. We honestly had more than what I thought we would have at the party as a lot of relatives and cousins were able to make it. We decided to go baseball with the theme since that is what Rylen obsesses about 24/7. Though Rylen still doesn't know what a birthday is, he had a lot of fun playing with all of the visitors and his big blow up baseball. I made peanut butter and jelly rolls for a snack along with fruit and crackers. I felt bad sending away the kids with just cake before lunch and their naps, so i tried to provide some nutrients to fill their tummies. It all turned out pretty well and Rylen was very excited with his gifts: Books, toy cars, a mower, clothes, an elephant chair, and money to spend. All in all, it was a very nice birthday.

Happy Birthday growing boy! I can't believe you're 2!

Rylen's Party Pics

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