Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July Celebration

 Happy Independence Day!

This was a wierd year having July 4th in the middle of the week. Very different to have daddy home for one day before he headed back to work. The last time the 4th was on a Wednesday was the year Rookie was born. I remember because he was born on Monday and we came home from the hospital on July 4th. We were all crazy about the fireworks waking him up, etc. Oh to be newbie parents again. HA! 

Last year, we were having our baby girl on the 3rd and we were home to relax for the celebration. This year it was all out "chaos". Here I am preparing for a birthday party and I remember we are going to have fireworks! Robby was so prepared and had all of our chairs and a special treat of ice cream sandwiches ready to roll. We haven't scouted out  a good spot for fireworks with kids yet, so we chose a place we had been in the past: Lowe's parking lot for the splashtown fireworks. That venue worked this time, but we will be looking for something different next year.

 Two nice girls gave the boys a frisbee they got from BurgerKing. They had fun throwing it around and making friends with another little girl, Emma. We weren't sure EXACTLY when the fireworks would begin, so we had some time to kill before they went off.

I found a 4th of July shirt in her closet that was a hand me down! SCORE! The boys had some red shirts that worked perfectly. Of course, our baby girl had to sport her NEW ladybug hair clip made by yours truly.

The kids LOVED the fireworks. They kept calling them firecrackers and the boys would argue about what was a firework and what was a firecracker. They asked for more all the way home and talked about all the colors they saw, especially the ones that spun in the air.

 Finally, a typical picture of the kids...It will not be easy to get them ALL to smile at the same time!

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