Monday, March 4, 2013

The Next Step - Crossinology® Brain Integration Therapy

As we prepare for another chapter, here's a definition of what we are doing...

Brain Integration Therapy is a cutting-edge technique based on principles of Applied Physiology and acupressure that assesses and corrects learning difficulties. It is completely non-invasive, and is suitable for people of all ages. In fact, most of our clients report that BIT is a very soothing and relaxing experience! BIT has also been recommended by neurologists, psychologists and other health professionals because it consistently produces improvements measurable by standard psychological and neurological tests.

Yes, VERY Webster-ish. So, WHAT will it do for Rookie?

Well, we have been having a challenge at our Neurological Evaluations with Rookie's eyes not dilating properly. The basic explanation was that he is in "fight or flight mode" all the time. This may be one reason that he is such a great napper for me! This may ALSO be a reason that he is above and beyond energetic and makes "bad choices" without "thinking". We have done INP activities to help and have looked into diet that may be causing issues, but nothing has helped move us forward in this category. Their explanation is as follows:

"Basically, the human brain performs extremely complicated electro-magnetic functions and, like any other organ, shows symptoms of stress. Under stress, the brain’s blood supply is redirected for ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ in the body, and the logic center or creative center simply shuts down. With the shutdown, the synchronization of brain function is lost and we just cannot ‘think’ clearly. Then we blame ourselves for not trying harder, or worse, not being intelligent enough, when the true culprit is stress. All too often we learn to ‘switch off’ when we could be welcoming new experiences. The BIT program can help to "repattern" brain activity and use more of its potential."

This treatment has been know to help all kinds of learning difficulties such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) both with and without hyperactivity, sensory integration, dyslexia, poor coordination, closed head traumas and brain injuries, autism and nervous breakdowns. It enhances learning abilities and improves reading, comprehension, spelling and coordination for children as well as for adults. 

Sounds great, right? So, how much time is involved in this? As you know we are packed to the gill with an INP of over 120 activities per week. Well, the basic correction program takes approximately eight to twelve hours. The length of each person’s program varies because of individual needs. Some people with only one or two areas of deficit may take just six hours to complete the whole program, whereas others with many areas of deficit need more time. The amount of time that Rookie will need will be defined once we have the initial assessment on Tuesday. We have decided to have the treatment done over a period of 3 days. This will be intense but we should be able to complete almost 90% and most likely will have to finish the process 2 months later.

The results that have been documented with BIT are
  • They are able to read with high comprehension
  • learn and retain spelling words
  • understand mathematical concepts
  • become physically coordinated and modulate their emotional responses
  • Often, medications are not needed after treatment in the majority of cases. 
What I found to be intriguing was their take on the presence of organic brain damage. If there is any there is STILL improvement but it will be limited depending on the location of the damage. However, even those that were suspected to have damage (i.e. Autistic tendencies), if treated early enough (pre-puberty), often improve significantly enough that the suspected damage is no longer evident! 

In a nutshell, BIT enables the brain to learn within any limitations posed by organic brain damage. (However, they do not make the brain learn. That takes studying and perseverance on the part of the client!)

PLUS, Once it is completed, we are DONE! The only situation that would require Rookie to be fully RE-integrated would be if he sustained an injury to the head. (so, no football! HA!) Other than that, once a person has been integrated, they will not need to be integrated again. (Sometimes a person will feel like their brain function has gone 'off-line' again. In this situation, there has usually been an emotional trauma that caused enough stress to block the brain function. They call this 'temporary dis-integration." To remedy this, the BIT practitioner need only to address the emotions surrounding the trauma. The brain function can then come back 'on-line.')

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