Friday, February 20, 2009

Diabetes Test

Today was the 3-hour gestational diabetes test at 8:30am. I woke up early to get ready and get Rylen's stuff together to take him to Stephanie Edmond's house. She agreed to let Colter and Rylen have a play day while I got poked 4 times, on the hour, at the doctor. That was truly a blessing. It is hard when you don't have family close to find someone to watch your child on last minute occasions and especially for 4 hours! We were very grateful that he was able to have fun and play with one of his best buddies today. He had so much fun that he crashed in the car before I could even get out of the drive! Too cute.

As for my test, it went well. The first hour was a little rough with all that sugar in my system, but after that it got easier and the time went by quickly. I started reading a book I brought, "The Last Disciple", but I decided the graphic nature of the book at the beginning was probably not what my sugar induced system needed to read. I didn't want to accentuate the nausea. So, instead, I chose to doze a bit and then read a magazine about politics, the economy and world issues. I must say, a child keeps you out of date on such things. Anyway, it was relaxing to just sit and let the time go by. Yesterday was definitely more stressful as I analyzed everything I ate trying to get my body back to pre-vacation status. I should find out in a couple of days what the results are and with prayers and God's blessing, everything will come back fine. Then it is off to have my rhogam shot.

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